Industry Sectors

Our experienced and qualified team of environmental consultants are here to provide you with advice and guidance on all aspects of environmental management through all industry sectors.

The industries our Environmental Consultancy covers includes: Utilities, Waste, Manufacturing, Minerals, Construction and Commercial / Professional sectors. Key to our environmental risk management services is forming strong relationships with our clients and their project stakeholders to ensure successful outcomes.

Commercial & Professional
Ensuring you comply with environmental requirements for those clients in office or retail industry sectors

You might not think it but even office or retail industry sectors need to comply with environmental requirements. Management system requirements may also be a driver for you. We can help you understand what the requirements are and what you need to do to comply. Specific areas may be waste and energy but there are also various other support functions to your business that may have an impact on the environment.

For more information / enquires, please Contact Madexa ERS
Telephone 01909 813201

Construction industry sectors cover a wide range of operations from identification & acquisition of land to surveying, groundworks / building.

Depending on what level you’re at, you may need to undertake various assessments (e.g contaminated land, ecology, landscape) and then once your build is underway, managing impact on sensitive environmental features, managing waste and substances and controlling drainage are just a few of the areas you’ll need to keep on top of.

You may also be caught by requirements under the Environmental Permitting Regulations For Example: using waste in construction or sourcing material under the CL:AIRE Code of Practice.

For more information / enquires, please Contact Madexa ERS
Telephone 01909 813201

If this is you then you’re working in electricity, gas and water in some way. Be it generation, distribution, treatment or supply

Environmental Management will be a key thing for you, be it through review and identification of risks and ongoing management and control through to a need for a fully certified Environmental Management System (ISO14001, EMAS, BS8555). If you are doing any processing then, even if you don’t need a permit, you may well need to comply with legislation for the protection of the air, soil and water and this might mean installing and operating systems to reduce the impact of pollution. You may also need permits / consents for operation – e.g. for the storage and processing of oils or for the composting of residual solids.

For more information / enquires, please Contact Madexa ERS
Telephone 01909 813201

Your business is digging big holes. You might also do some processing to turn the mineral into useful products for sale, primarily into the construction sector.

The scale and nature of your operations for those within the mineral industry sector means that your potential impact on the environment is clear.

We can help you with the many assessments you may need (e.g. hydrogeological appraisals, landscape impact, ecology, etc) and offer full project management and co-ordination. Other issues for you include abstraction and discharge consents and more than likely operations requiring a permit such as backfilling the quarry void, processing construction and demolition waste, etc.

Finally, health and safety is a big thing in your industry – our occupational health services will prove invaluable!

For more information / enquires, please Contact Madexa ERS
Telephone 01909 813201

A myriad world with endless possibilities. Large widgets, small widgets, simple products to those with the most complex gubbins!

In simple terms you bring in materials, undertake some sort of process and produce something at the back end to sell. Surrounding all this is a whole host of environmental / sustainability related topics from efficient use of resources and waste management to minimisation, protection of the air, soil and groundwater, etc, etc.

Compliance Management
Management systems and broad environmental risk management are probably the three key things for those within the manufacturing sector and fortunately, we can help!

For more information / enquires, please Contact Madexa ERS
Telephone 01909 813201

So you’re in the waste sector? Almost certainly you will need some form of environmental permit along with waste carriers licence

If the above is correct, then you may also require (in conjunction with an environmental permit) a discharge consent and possibly some register-able exemptions. By being part of the waste industrial sector may also mean you will need management systems in place to ensure ongoing compliance and you will need to audit and review. Looking after your workers health is also a big issue.

Sounds like a lot but never fear, we’ve got it covered! All of our core services will be valuable to you.

For more information / enquires, please Contact Madexa ERS
Telephone 01909 813201